SHP Psychology Instructor Needed
Summer Honors is in need of a Psychology instructor for next summer. The dates are June 9-21.
Nomination packets will be going out very soon, and there is a need to solidify this course ASAP. Can you recommend someone for this role?
If so, contact Stephanie Dannehl at or 308-995-6585.
Donate to SHP through give2GROW!
Thanks to the Summer Honors Program, you’ve gotten educational enrichment, truckloads of fond memories, and numerous lifelong friends. As alumni and supporters of SHP, let’s all do our part to make sure the program continues to provide these things to south-central Nebraska youth.
From now through early spring, it’s SHP fundraising season, and the first stage of that is the Phelps County Foundation’s annual give2GROW campaign.
Whatever you donate between now and Nov. 16 will be eligible for matching funds. Do it now! Make us proud!